
Is it time for new brakes? Visit Wimbledon Tyres in Merton today

Our mechanics are experts in brake repairs and replacements.

We'll look after your brakes...and your safety

Brakes are one of the most important components of a working car, without good brakes, your vehicle won't be able to stop efficiently, so it's very important to have your brakes tested regularly.

Our mechanics are highly skilled in checking and replacing brakes and our garage is open for you 6 days a week.

Contact us

Repair or replacement?

You may not know whether your brakes can be repaired or if the easiest thing to do is replace them. Our skilled mechanics can advise you on the best solution.


Remember the most important thing is to get you from A to B the safest way, and that means having fully working brakes.

Need new tyres?

Are your brakes working correctly?

Have you noticed any of the following signs?

  • Juddering when you press the brakes - this can be felt through the steering wheel.
  • A grinding noise - your brake pads may be worn down.
  • Brake warning light - a great indication that something is wrong.
  • Unresponsive brakes - when your car takes a while to stop or slow down after pressing the brake pedal.

If you've noticed any of these warning signs, don't hesitate to give Wimbledon Tyres a call today. As Merton's local garage since 1994, we can quickly find and fix all types of brake issues.

Call us

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Enquire now

Make sure you can rely on your brakes. Call Wimbledon Tyres in Merton today.

020 8542 4503

Unit 14

Riverside Business Park

Lyon Road


SW19 2RL

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